Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yesterdays Long Day

Yesterday at 5:00 in the morning I woke up to get ready for Pottstown. We ended up getting there at around 6:40-ish. Then at around 6:50 we started up the course to the warm-up place. There were a few animal targets and a target at 20 yards to 50 yards. Going from 20-30-40-50. When you went to each target there would be the adult spot and the kiddy spot. The adult spot was further than the kiddy. Some of the kiddy starting points were tougher than the adult, haha. The first target was a buck in some tall grass. I missed the 3rd target., it was a bedded doe, my arrow went just over the top. My first 12 ring hit was on target 6, I can't remember which it was. On target 12 was my new favorite target, the MOOSE! He was soooo huge! He was so big and way taller than me and my mom. Target 13 was a moving target. There was a line of cable connecting from tree to tree, and the line held the fish. The target moved kinda slow, and when you aimed you aimed at the head, so by the time your arrow hit, it would be at the 10 ring. Some other targets were a reindeer, it was huge too. My sister went wandering up to the reindeer and was just standing there. She got into so much trouble, my coach had say that you never go up to a target because you never know who might shoot it. Someone off in the distance could have tried shooting and she might have gotten hit. There were also some elk, one was standing and another sitting. I missed the sitting elk. Out of 400 possible points I got 282. Over half. I had gotten 14 5's, 8 9's, and 14 10's. It was so much fun and I can't wait to go again. Also the last target you could shoot into a plastic tube, if it went through it would go into the target at the end of the tube. If it went through 30 points, if not 10. There was also a metal duck and with a hole of foam just 3-4 inches wide, if you hit the foam, 30 points. Lastly a raccoon, just like any other target, same scoring. It was so much fun and I can't wait to go again!

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